Paule’s Story


August 14th, 2020 -

interview done by nordoff-Robbins volunteer sylvia zamsky

Sylvia: Great to meet you (Virtually)! Could you introduce yourself and give us some background on how you became connected with the Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy?

Paule: Nice to meet you as well! I was introduced to NRMT in 2014 while enrolled in a nine month program at NY Open Center's Sound and Music Institute. I was hoping to connect with one of the therapeutic methods presented throughout the course and find a musical solution to an emotional problem. Ironically, the emotional problem was the self-criticism and anxiety which prevented me from engaging and enjoying my musical gifts and aspirations! When Dr. Alan Turry gave his workshop on NRMT, I was intrigued by its incorporation of creative music improvisation in its method of treatment, and fairly certain that I had found the approach I was seeking. In 2015, I took Dr. Turry's workshop for a second time, and asked if it would be possible for me to start individual NRMT sessions with him. He welcomed my interest and sent me to do an initial intake session at the NR Center. I have attended weekly sessions with Alan ever since!

Sylvia: Anything you'd like to share about what you do during sessions?

Paule: Our sessions usually begin with my sharing how I am doing and any particular concerns I'd like to work through. After some discussion, we engage in a variety of improvised musical conversations, which help me to explore and express my feelings while Alan accompanies me on piano. I either play my saxophone, the piano, and/or sing. (NOTE: It took quite some time, and a lot of support from Alan, before I became comfortable with vocal improvisation. But now I find that it can be particularly rewarding!) After each musical exchange, Alan invites me to share my thoughts and feelings with him and offers his compassionate and insightful feedback, as needed.

Sylvia: How has Nordoff-Robbins music therapy impacted you?

Paule: Through my work with Dr. Turry, I have developed greater confidence in myself as a musician, songwriter and performer. NRMT has helped me learn to honor and appreciate myself, and my personal music making process. I have started to recover the joy of making music that I so earnestly sought over the years! In fact, my husband (who is a professional musician) has said since I started music therapy, I am definitely "easier to play with." And I find he is easier to play with, too!

Sylvia: What has surprised you most about your experience in music therapy?

Paule: That it is actually working! I have been so frustrated over the years by my unsuccessful attempts to improve my relationship with music, that part of me was expecting the same result from NRMT. Instead, I have found a way to appreciate who I am and how I sound in the moment, rather than having impossible expectations of myself. I am still surprised at how the acceptance I experience in my sessions with Alan allows my emotional turmoil to be transformed into beautiful music!

Sylvia: What has it been like transitioning to virtual music therapy sessions during this time of COVID-19?

Paule: I am very thankful to be able to continue my sessions with Alan during this time, even if it is virtually! The technical limitations can be frustrating, but we are adapting. "Call and response" type music works well with the digital platform, since we are unable to play simultaneously. We definitely talk more than usual, which has proven to be helpful right now. In between sessions, I have spent an increasing amount of time writing songs. I now approach my creative process with a newfound confidence that whatever unfolds will be of value and provide interesting material to share.

Sylvia: Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your journey here today!

Paule: Thanks for your thought provoking questions, Sylvia. I am happy to have had this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for all that Alan and NRMT have helped me with so far. As always, I look forward to my next session!